Thrilling Suspense Fantasy is an ongoing series of comics and pulp fiction in the classic Weird Tales style, paying homage to the works of H.P. Lovecraft, C.L. Moore, Fritz Leiber, Robert E. Howard, and Clark Ashton Smith, among others. While the stories are entirely original, they use the idiom and conventions of the seminal works in what would become the genres fantasy, science fiction, and horror as a template for telling new tales chock full of thrills, terrors, and adventure.
Visually, TSF most closely resembles the 1970s and 1980s renaissance of the fantasy genre and embrace of golden-age comics like the much-sought after pre-code horror books from EC and Harvey.
Fans of Barry Windsor Smith, Moebius, Richard Corben, and Walter Simonson will certainly feel at home in the marks and coloring style found throughout the magazine.
Currently, two volumes are printed and a third is planned. Shop for TSF here. In 2021, Raphael ran a successful Kickstarter campaign and since that time, hundreds of people around the world have picked up and enjoyed their copies of TSF. Don't miss out on beautifully executed volumes of comics and pulps.
Raphael reads classic pulps and other appropriately styled tales on his YouTube channel.